Ogłoszenie archiwalne, może być już nieaktualne.

Remote Python Developer

Lokalizacja: Anywhere)

Ogłoszenie Bezpośrednie

Szczegóły oferty:

We are looking for a regular Python developer with web development experience. If you are interested in issues related to building an organization based on a partnership & full transparency approach, we are a place for you.

The project is related to the broadly defined ticket industry - cinemas, concerts, amusement parks, trips, etc. It focuses on creating integration between the existing customer's ticket engine and specific APIs of attraction/ticket suppliers. Integrations are created in the form of an aiohttp/sanic adapter service that responds to specific JSON-RPC queries from the core system by executing appropriate queries to the suppliers' API and mapping the data to the required format.

Currently, we have two Senior developers involved in the project and we want to add another two Regular developers (experience with Go is a plus). Bravelab team is responsible for the whole development of this part of the platform and our contract with the client is indefinite. The project has no legacy code and we have created most of the modules in this project.

Start of project: 01.09.2021

Dodano dnia: 20-07-2021



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