Ogłoszenie archiwalne, może być już nieaktualne.

IT Project Manager

Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Ogłoszenie Bezpośrednie

Szczegóły oferty:

Frontkom empowers businesses and impactful organisations to discover and leverage digital opportunities. We help people adopt technology for growth, innovation and positive world impacts. We are a team of over 70 specialists – designers, developers and business consultants working in a collaborative, international environment from offices in Lublin, Warsaw, Oslo, Fredrikstad, Funchal and Berlin. We support the free and open web and work with Drupal, WordPress, Laravel, WooCommerce and many more technologies.

Hello stars of projects management!
We are currently looking for a new team member who will take on the challenges of our web projects management. If you love working with inspiring people and want to expand your experience in an environment focused on learning and constant growth, let us know if these skills match your profile.

Required qualification and skills
- you have spent at least 2 years at digital agencies, software houses or a very similar environment where you gained an understanding of the mode of operations of websites, web and mobile applications
- at least 3 years of your professional experience were related to Web project management
- you are familiar with general web development and/or UX design principles
- you have been using Agile software development principles in your work
- Jira is one of the project management tools that you have been using
- communication and negotiation skills are on top of the list of your professional competencies
- you have strong know-how in leadership and coaching
- accuracy and self-reliance are keywords to describe you in performing tasks
- you easily communicate in English (on at least C1 level)
Google Workspace has no secrets for you

Nice-to-have skills
- you had a chance to get acquainted with the principles of SEO and web analytics
- key account management and business development happened to be among your listed experiences
- you have invested your time and hard work to obtain an Agile or Scrum Master or Product Owner certificate

Your responsibilities
- working with creative people who are willing to share their experience to boost your professional growth
- close cooperation with key clients to understand their needs, get data-driven insights and suggest optimal solutions as their guide and digital partner
- taking responsibility for meeting your projects’ business requirements, supervising projects economy, planning and coordinating project teams’ work
- cooperation with a team of consultants, analysts, designers, developers and testers in order to improve the quality of delivery and internal processes
- a PM at Frontkom typically manages from one big to 4-5 small projects.

Joining Frontkom means
- Up to PLN 15k net monthly pay (take-home pay on B2B contract)
- taking an active part in creating innovative and ambitious products for the global market and startups – we work to drive digital innovation especially for education, healthcare and climate impact-focused organizations
- real ability to develop and implement your solutions and ideas – we work in small agile teams, so everyone has a significant influence on how we work and the directions we take
- delivering team-based projects in collaboration with international colleagues and partners
- opportunity to take advantage of the educational budgets
- possibility of recommending someone you would like to work with and getting PLN 3000 if the person happens to become a part of our team
- English lessons
- integration events
- sports card co-financing and option to join group medical insurance

Dodano dnia: 08-06-2022



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